ALL HATS - FREE worldwide shiping

E-mail: saunahats(at)

It is possible to make purchases on our website using easy, fast and secure PayPal Email Payments. You do not need to have a PayPal account to make payment.

1. To order, please send to e-mail: saunahats(at) the following information:

Your name and surname

Correct shipping address

Product code

In case you are ordering a hat: head circumference in cm or inches (without ears)

2. You will receive on your e-mail a payment request. It will lead you to PayPal website on which you will be able to pay securely using most suitable payment method for you even without a PayPal account.

3. Upon receipt of money we will send you ordered items.

We offer free world-wide shipping for hats using standard mail. For other items we add shipping costs of 7 USD or 5 EUR.

JEWELRY hand made - USD 7.00 or EUR 5.00 - delivery

Making and Shipping time using standard mail is approximately 2 weeks.